At Koru We Are Dedicated To Hope, Healing And Growth
Koru Specialist Services
Screening, diagnostics, prevention and training
Koru Specialist Services provides comprehensive specialist support for clients by bringing together psychologists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologist, audiologist, paediatricians, psychiatrists, and education specialists.
Our clients receive a comprehensive assessment, treatment plans, and therapeutic intervention developed from a brain-based – neurodiverse perspective with input from our multidisciplinary team. The Koru symbolises hope, healing, and growth, which is what we strive to achieve for the clients we serve.
Our Approach
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) underpins all the work that we do. It is the emotional shift made possible by understanding differently. The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics is a developmentally sensitive and neurobiology-informed approach to clinical problem-solving. It links brain function with behavioural symptoms – “neuro” refers to the physical aspect and “behavioural” to the presenting symptoms. Together, emphasising the underlying physical causes of behaviour, to consciously consider behaviour from a brain-based perspective.
Our multidisciplinary team adopts a neurodevelopmental approach to assessment and treatment, focusing on the function across all brain domains. Our approach considers the life of our clients as a whole. In order to address issues effectively, we believe we need a complete picture of a client’s development and cognitive functioning. We assess neuroanatomy, memory, academic achievement, language, motor skills, sensory profile, affect regulation, attention, cognition, adaptive skills and executive function. Data from direct assessments are triangulated with home and school perspectives.
Who We Help
We work with children and young people of all backgrounds that have experienced trauma including:
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Neurological Conditions (Cerebral Palsy Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Traumatic Backgrounds
- Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Global Development Delays
- Developmental Coordination Challenges
- Specific Learning Disabilities

Thanks for the support and guidance you have given the client, his family and us at school to help the client’s transition and inclusion at school. We had another very successful meeting today and your significant contributions were discussed several times.
We continue to be pleased with how the client is settling in and look forward to this continuing. Thanks from us.
Our Services
- FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)
- Neurodiversity multidisciplinary assessment
- CDBC (Complex Developmental Behavioural Conditions) assessments
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- APD (Auditory Procressing Disorder)
- SPD (Sensory Processin Disorder)
- Speech and Language
- Te Ara Whakamana Mana Enhancement
- Counselling
- Specialist Psychological Therapeutic intervention
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Attachment Based Therapy
- Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBF)
- Self Regulation
- Family Functional Therapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Speech Developmental Disorders
- Auditory processing Disorders
- Language Disorders
- Speech Disorders
- Higher cognitive language disorders in adults
- Articulation Disorders
- Dyslexia and Praxis
- APD therapy
- iLs and Speech Language therapy
- Integrated listening System (TOMATIS-based) therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- ALERT programme
- Self regulation
- Sensory modulation and integration
- iLs combined with occupation therapy
- FASTRAC (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Team Response Around the Child)
- FASD Caregiver Curriculum
- TACTIC (Team Around the Child Trauma Informed Care)
Meet The Team
Our multi-disciplinary team brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience from across the globe. Koru –FASD Multi-Disciplinary Diagnostic Team members are qualified FASD diagnosticians and have completed intensive FASD training – Canada FASD Research Network(CanFASD), Asante Centre in Vancouver, University of Washington–FASD DPN in Seattle and Child Development Services in Australia.

Dr. Elda Botes
Clinical Director

Lindsay Brand

Amhiel Botes
iLs Practitioner
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Koru – FASD Multi-Disciplinary Diagnostic Team’s collective aim is to serve individuals with FASD, the families that care for them, and the system that supports them.
Screening for prenatal alcohol exposure and a possible FASD diagnosis can help families, professionals and clients to access the services and supports needed to be successful.
Koru-FASD Multi-Disciplinary Diagnostic Team educates families, caregivers, professionals and others living, supporting and working with individuals with a FASD.