Comprehensive Solutions to Complex Challenges Across New Zealand

Te Ara Whakamana Mana Enhancement

As a force that exists within the universe, the concept of mana can be viewed as a spiritual quality in each of us. There are many ways to define mana, including authority, prestige, influence, efficacy, honour, legacy, chieftainship, essence, history, inheritance, integrity, identity, and leadership. When you acknowledge your Mana, you are recognizing your basic value as a human being and your inherent connection with all creation.

Members of our team are certified Te Ara Whakamana: Mana Enhancement facilitators. This programme has been designed to provide a simple and effective way for positive behaviour change. A major goal is to help clients better understand themselves and create strategies and plans to enable them to live a more fulfilling life.

In order to help clients realise their full potential, it is necessary to build on their strengths and increase their emotional literacy. Rather than rely solely on words, this approach utilises several dimensions that are fundamental to strong and resilient learning and include metaphors, images, shapes and colours that are used within the context of the culture of the student.

The framework is a blank canvas that becomes complete when a client places their own story and culture within it. Te Ara Whakamana: Mana Enhancement aims to improve self-awareness, emotional regulation, and communication. This leads to better relations between children, their families, and teachers.

This is Te Ara Whakamana

The Mana Enhancement conversation….

To see their greatness
To notice their strengths
To identify their inherited traits
To value their gifts
To believe in their worth
… to enhance their Mana

How We Help

We work with neurodiverse clients across the full developmental spectrum – infants to adults, who are neurodiverse.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)


Trauma and Attachment Disorders


Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)


Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)


Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Global Development Delays


Specific Learning Disabilities


Developmental Language Disorders


Speech Disorders


Higher Cognitive Language Disorders In Adults


Articulation Disorders


Dyslexia and Praxis