Comprehensive Solutions to Complex Challenges Across New Zealand

Alert Program

The Alert Program® is the Gold Standard

The Alert Program® is based on how the body processes sensory information. You may be familiar with the “sensory diet” concept (Patricia Wilbarger, M.Ed, OTR, FAOTA). Just as we need a nutritional diet, we need a sensory diet with input from our traditional senses, as well as movement and gravity.

In the Alert Program®, we explain the sensory diet concept to children in more simple terms. We teach there are five ways to change how alert we feel: put something in your mouth, move, touch, look, and listen.

The Alert Program® teaches how to observe, offers strategies, and creates environments where sensory information can be processed better. No child should live in a world full of charging tigers.

Reading Engine Signals

When adults understand what sensory overload signals the child is giving, powerful changes can occur.

The Alert Program® teaches the team how to observe signals such as dilated pupils, changes in breath and skin colour, clenching, sweating, or more subtle changes such as eye aversion, finger-flaring, or hiding under the table. 

How We Help

We work with neurodiverse clients across the full developmental spectrum – infants to adults, who are neurodiverse.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)


Trauma and Attachment Disorders


Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)


Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)


Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Global Development Delays


Specific Learning Disabilities


Developmental Language Disorders


Speech Disorders


Higher Cognitive Language Disorders In Adults


Articulation Disorders


Dyslexia and Praxis